18' Narrative Short Film (2015)
Respiro Productions - Manifest Pictures
With Manda Touré
Philomène loves Bastien, a white boy in her class. But with her kinky hair, she feels insecure compared to the other girls with vaporous hair in her school. She gets a weave. Philomène lives this capillary change as a metamorphosis.
Canal Plus
Air France and KLM inflight entertainment ( July 2019- March 2020)
Integrazione Film Festival 2018, *Critic’s Award*
La Bobine d’or 2016 *Jury Award*
L’Entrecourts 2016 *Audience Award*
Festival Européen du Court Métrage de Brest 2015
Black Movie Summer 2016, Paris
Kuki Film Festival 2016, Berlin
Les Nuits Trop Courtes 2016, Auch
Bogota Short Film Festival 2016, Bogota
Equality Festival 2016, Kiev
Festival Vues d’Afrique-2017, Montréal
Festival Panafricain de Films d'Ecole 2017, Yaoundé
International Images Film Festival for Women 2017, Zimbabwe
Afrika Film Festival 2017, Köln
Festival des Cinémas d'Afrique du Pays d'Apt 2017
London Migration Film Festival 2017
Watch Africa, Wales's African Film Festival 2017, Wales
Festival du Film Francophone 2017, Velaux
Africlap 2018, Toulouse
Integrazione International Film Festival 2018, Bergamo
Covellite International Film Festival 2018, Butte USA
Film Girl Film Festival 2018, Milwaukee USA
Underwire Film Festival 2018, London
W Xööl Film Festival 2020, Paris